Before you sell

  • Autotilo purchases cars that have complete titles and registration plates.
  • Autotilo processes payments in the presence of the individual under whose name the car is registered.
  • Additional paperwork may be required in case the original owner is not available.
  • Autotilo holds the right to refuse inspection or purchase of any car without assigning any reason.
  • Payment is made through check when completed for pick up.
  • It is the seller's responsibility to pay all outstanding taxes, duties, or pending payments related to the car.
  • Autotilo holds the right to check paperwork in detail from all relevant authorities

Limited Liability

The site may contain links to third-party sites or services that do not belong to nor are controlled by Autotilo, so Autotilo assumes no responsibility for the content, accuracy, policies, practices, or opinions expressed in any of these third-party sites or by any third party that the User interacts with via the site.

The site does not involve the provision of any consultancy services. No site functionality shall be construed as advice or advice regarding the purchase and sale of vehicles. Autotilo shall not be liable for any consequences of the User's decisions, even if they are based on the quotes made through the website.

Autotilo uses third-party services to maintain the operation of the site (e.g., hosting servers) and may, therefore, encounter failures of said services. Autotilo shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from a failure of the services of these third parties, but we will make reasonable efforts to inform users about steps being taken to resolve said failures.

Privacy policy

Please refer to the Privacy Policy section on the website, including the use of Google Ads.

Site Operations

The Autotilo website provides a platform that allows the user to enter information on a vehicle of your property and get an automated assessment of the value of this vehicle for purchase in the market.

Once a Quote is performed, the user may or may not, at its sole discretion, take the car for an assessment and physical inspection by Autotilo, which may or may not, also at its sole discretion, offer a purchase proposal for the vehicle. The user can accept or reject the offered proposal. All quotes are non-binding and do not create any binding or obligatory contract between the user and Autotilo.